Fashionable BAR ZERO in Obama City, Fukui Japan.
Bar & Dining ZERO in Obama City, Fukui Japan. As well as alcohol, the food is substantial and you can enjoy at reasonable prices. It just opened in June last year, and the inside of the store is also very beautiful. Please drop in when you come to Obama City, Fukui.
Updated Date : 2017-10-11 14:17:54
Author ✎ H.kita

Bar&Dining ZERO
Bar&Dining ZERO - Facebook
Posted it this month 's uno.✧ •̀.̫•́✧ Let's have fun and excitement at ZERO(ˊo̶̶̷ᴗo̶̶̷`)੭✧
open from PM 8: 00 to AM 4: 00. Tel : 0770-52-0887
Bar&Dining ZERO - Facebook
Posted this month 's uno.( *´艸`)! ZERO playing around soon.(υ◉ω◉υ)! Although advertisement playfully, contents are serious‼︎ Thank you.( *´艸`)!
Bar&Dining ZERO - Facebook
ZERO recommended food menu and alcohol are evolving every day.✧ •̀.̫•́✧ Let's spend pleasant everyday together without losing rain and typhoon.(ˊo̶̶̷ᴗo̶̶̷`)੭✧ All the staff laugh with fun and wait so that everyone can have a good time.( *´艸`)!
Non alcoholic drinks are also fulfilling, so people who are unwilling to eat alcohol or those who only have meals are fine.
Bar&Dining ZERO - Facebook
ZERO also gradually increased alcohol and cooking, and the line of bottles became beautiful.(ˊo̶̶̷ᴗo̶̶̷`)੭✧ Please enjoy all kinds of drinks by all means.✧ •̀.̫•́✧ Non alcoholic cocktails, please come by all means.✧ •̀.̫•́✧
The interior is fashionable like this. I think that I put 15 people in the counter seat and 30 people in the box seat.

Bar&Dining ZERO
From Ohama station, it's about 5 to 10 minutes on foot.


麺類の店(No44) 『ちからもち』
曲水の宴  『城南宮』
俳人・向井去来の遺跡 『落柿舎』